Enjoy The Sunshine

by | Apr 24, 2022

enjoy the sunshine

This spring has been a bit of a beat down for me in Ohio.  It seems that it’s been cold for many months with little break…and when it’s not been cold it’s been raining.  Sorry.  I know I am against complaining.  I have just been ready for some sunshine.

That’s why I have been so delighted to have some beautiful weather this weekend.  It’s been sunny and the temperature has been wonderful.  It’s been amazing.

I am always intrigued, however, at how people talk about good weather.

“Beautiful day.” I might say.

“Yeah…but it’s going to be rainy all next week!”  I get in reply.

What?  Damn gang.  It seems like we waited 6 months for a few days like this.  Can’t we enjoy it for a day before we start predicting the next storm?  Don’t get me wrong.  I know the next storm is coming.  Life has its seasons, just like the weather.  And it’s good to be prepared for whatever is next.

But if we spend all of our time preparing for the next bad time, we are sure to lose sight of what all the hard work is for.

Live in the “is.”

Enjoy the sunshine.

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