Do It Again Tomorrow

Do It Again Tomorrow

My advice to fellow content creators can be kind of boring.  I say that because often when we ask others for advice, what we are really looking for is a shortcut.  We want the easy button that will help us get from where we are to where we want to be.   And for the...
Quick Content Update

Quick Content Update

A quick update on some content that you might have missed. Delivering Marketing Joy:  The latest episode of Delivering #MarketingJoy is up today.  This time I get to interview Tim Brown.  He talks about the value of niching down your business.  Check it out here. ...
Chasing The Metrics

Chasing The Metrics

Yesterday I wrote a blog post that “worked.”  It immediately got feedback on social media.  People engaged and commented and shared the blog.  Today I looked at the numbers on Google Analytics and they told the same story.  The numbers were measurably...
Your 25 Readers

Your 25 Readers

It can be frustrating.  When you begin a content journey, the going is often really slow.  You might only get 25 views (or less) as you begin to create.  And while you might be appreciative of the 25 people that took the time to read your words, it’s hard not to...
It’s Time To Plant Seeds

It’s Time To Plant Seeds

During this year, I have noticed (outside of the illness) that some people in business have struggled…and some have survived. Some have even thrived.  Some businesses fell off a cliff.  And yet some organizations can’t seem to keep up.  And while this...