Quick Content Recap

Quick Content Recap

At the end of a week it can be good to look back and reflect.  It’s also a good time to see what you missed. So here is a quick look back at recent content you might enjoy!  Let me know what you think! Delivering Marketing Joy:  As you (hopefully) know, we...
Looking for input

Looking for input

Sometimes we can all get so busy working toward a goal that we fail to consider “is it working?”  Or even “is it the right goal?”  I remember so clearly taking a class on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and hearing the quote “Some...
4 Ways to Dominate Your Field

4 Ways to Dominate Your Field

  We all have some level of competition. The problem is, most of us spend way too much time thinking and worrying about them. You don’t want to compete. You want to dominate. Today we talk about 4 ways to dominate your competition…no matter what industry you are...
5 Lessons from Jimmy Buffett

5 Lessons from Jimmy Buffett

Let me say from the beginning, I am a Jimmy Buffett fan. I have liked his music since college and have been to, probably, 10 of his concerts. As I have told my daughters, his music just takes me to a place with a smile on my face and a drink in my hand…no matter where...