My iPhone updated last night

My iPhone updated last night

My iPhone updated last night. Before you groan, let me say this.  I love that the change has been made to automatically update during the night.  That makes a ton of sense to me.  In the past, the notifications popped up on my phone at completely inconvenient times...
A Week of Marketing Joy

A Week of Marketing Joy

It’s time to capture all of the hustle and put it in one place.  That’s why I created a “Week of Marketing Joy!”  Lots to get to this week…so enjoy! Put the Big Rocks in First:  We all want to get more done.  But most of us are “too...
Hug Your Haters

Hug Your Haters

Any of us that start any organization want to be excellent at what we do.  Why else would we start?  But there are times that even the best companies fall short.  We miss the mark.  And in those moments, we create what Jay Baer calls “Haters.”  In...
A Week of Marketing Joy

A Week of Marketing Joy

If you are like me, you sometimes get to the end of a week and go, “What?  Where did that week go?”  I try to be intentional, but sometimes the hustle is hard to keep up with!  This week consisted of over 18 hours of windshield time, 1100 miles and lots of...
Your Problem is NOT Your Customer’s Problem

Your Problem is NOT Your Customer’s Problem

I was on the phone with a trusted vendor the other day, relaying a challenge.  My company sells their line and I wanted to let them know about something that was getting in the way of us selling their brand.  From my perspective, it was a relatively simple fix (maybe...