A Week of Marketing Joy

by | May 2, 2016


It’s time to capture all of the hustle and put it in one place.  That’s why I created a “Week of Marketing Joy!”  Lots to get to this week…so enjoy!

Put the Big Rocks in First:  We all want to get more done.  But most of us are “too busy” to do anything meaningful.  That’s no good.  That’s why you should listen to this podcast, and Put the Big Rocks in First.

Give Others the Grace To Grow:  Are you the same person you were 10 or 20 years ago?  Most people would say no.  We give ourselves the chance and the grace to grow and evolve.  But are you doing the same for the people you know?  Listen to this podcast and decide.

Interview with Ted Rubin:  On this episode of Delivering Marketing Joy I get the chance to chat with social superstar Ted Rubin.  Ted is a great guest each time he stops by and this one is no different.  You can watch the episode here…or as always you can listen to the podcast.

Hug Your Haters:  On this podcast we discuss the new book from Jay Baer called Hug Your Haters.  It’s time to take a look at Customer Service differently.  It’s time to take it “onstage.”  Listen in here.

5 Lessons from Seth Godin:  Each week we get 5 lessons from someone.  This time we get to learn from a legend.  Seth Godin is one of the most famous people in marketing and he has a lot to teach us all.  Here are just 5 of the lessons he taught me. 

Bonus Blog Post:  If you have been paying close attention, you might have seen that I have been working on a book.  Well it’s about to go “live” soon.  I am really excited about this project…and I hope you will be good.  Here is a quick sneak peak at the press release about the new book called “Fan of Happy!”

So there is a week in one place.  Enjoy!  Oh, and let me know if you have any topics you want me to tackle on the podcast.  I want to add as much value as I can for you!  Never miss an episode by subscribing on iTunes here.

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