What Is The Goal?

What Is The Goal?

I reached out to a few friends to discuss changes to this very website.  The format of this site has been the same for many years, and it’s overdue for some updates.  I solicited ideas and one of them wrote back a simple question. What is the goal? “I can...
Chasing The Metrics

Chasing The Metrics

Yesterday I wrote a blog post that “worked.”  It immediately got feedback on social media.  People engaged and commented and shared the blog.  Today I looked at the numbers on Google Analytics and they told the same story.  The numbers were measurably...
Positivity Is Not A Gift…It’s a Skill

Positivity Is Not A Gift…It’s a Skill

I swear.  What I am about to share is true. Sometimes the universe just works things out. When I sat down at the computer this morning, I had decided to write my blog today about the idea that Positivity is not a gift…it’s a skill.  This is a pet peeve of...