The Best Thing About Monday

The Best Thing About Monday

Monday is the most maligned of days.  It seems that the entire world complains when Monday comes around again.  Some of that negativity is just the product of a culture that seems hell-bent on complaining.  So I thought I would spend a quick minute talking about the...
Listening to “That” Voice

Listening to “That” Voice

Whether you want to create a blog post or a company, a video or a presentation, we all have to overcome the same thing.  “That voice.” It’s the voice that is in each of our head that tells us that we are “not good enough,” or “not...
5 Ways To Get Out of a Rut

5 Ways To Get Out of a Rut

Sometimes we all get in a rut.  It happens.  One day we are traveling along doing well, and the next we wake up frustrated and bored.  The longer we travel along in this rut, the deeper it gets.  Often, the rut is the path that we feel like we are...
One Thing At a Time

One Thing At a Time

It’s easy to get overwhelmed.  We all do it.  If you have ever started to work on an exciting and important project, you have probably become overwhelmed at some point.  On a project like that, there are lots of steps, and procedures, and processes to...

Everybody is a Nerd about Something

What are you a nerd about?  On today’s Delivering Marketing Joy podcast, I talk about being passionate.  The fact is, most of us are “a nerd” about something.  We are the only one in our group that gets excited about this one thing.  But don’t...