3 Favorite Books of 2016

3 Favorite Books of 2016

“5 years from today you will be the same person, except for the people you meet and the books that you read.” I heard Dave Ramsey say that at an event a few years ago and it stopped me.  Wow.  I can grow as a person based on the books I read.  I control...
Providing Joy in Business

Providing Joy in Business

I get the question sometimes, “What do you mean you are providing Joy in business?”  (For fun you can watch this video).  Sometimes I think that people believe that you can’t be both joyful and productive.  That’s strange to me.  So in...
5 Lessons From the Military

5 Lessons From the Military

If you want to succeed in any area of your life, you always need to be looking to learn.  That’s why each Friday we look at 5 Lessons you can learn from various people and organizations.  Since we just recognized Memorial Day in the United States, I thought it...
When You’re Stuck

When You’re Stuck

At some point we all get stuck.  We might be trying to decide whether to take a leap of faith.  We might be trying to make a totally new start.  Or you might even be looking at a big new project.  Any of these can be daunting and intimidating.  We have all been...
When a Good Day Starts Bad

When a Good Day Starts Bad

I talk a lot about starting the day by “putting good in your head.”  There is so much negativity in the world, so I think it is important to try and put positive in your brain first thing.  But what happens when, despite your best efforts, things go off...