Put This In Your Brain On Monday

Put This In Your Brain On Monday

Millions of people dread Mondays.  As a matter of fact, some people ruin Sundays because of it!  They spend the time dreading what the week will bring…instead of envisioning the life they want to create.  While I can’t help you if you hate your job, I can...
The Best Thing About Monday

The Best Thing About Monday

Monday is the most maligned of days.  It seems that the entire world complains when Monday comes around again.  Some of that negativity is just the product of a culture that seems hell-bent on complaining.  So I thought I would spend a quick minute talking about the...
Put the Big Rocks In First

Put the Big Rocks In First

Hello Monday.  It’s time to dance!  Today on the Delivering Marketing Joy podcast we take a look at productivity and starting your week off right.  How do we do that?  We talk about your goals, tactics and putting the most important activities in your schedule...