What Do You Want To Be Known For?

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

I had the opportunity to speak to a group yesterday about the 5 Steps to Building a Strong Personal Brand.  It’s a topic I have spoken about many times before, but something new struck me. Step one in building a strong personal brand is to identify your space. ...
The Hidden Cost of Negativity

The Hidden Cost of Negativity

Every year, during the election cycle, I see a spike in negativity.  It’s not just in the candidates.  It happens to the community too.  This phenomenon makes sense.  We, as a society, are actively consuming this poison every day…and what goes in comes...
Push Out Good

Push Out Good

Some mornings I wake up feeling good.  I am excited about everything I get to work on, and I can’t wait to attack the day.  These are the easy days.  Everyone is productive on those days. And then there are the other days. On “the other days” I get...
Tip A Glass To Some Good Things

Tip A Glass To Some Good Things

In a world where 89% of what we see is negative, we need to take the time to celebrate good things…and we need to be intentional about it.  So here are a few things I am excited about this morning. St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl in Coshocton St. Paddy’s...
7 Ways To Snap Out Of A Funk

7 Ways To Snap Out Of A Funk

Here’s a news flash.  There will be a time you get down.  Regardless of how “happy go lucky” a person appears to be, they will have time when they feel off their game.  It happens to all of us.  It certainly happens to me. And one of the most...