My 4 Life MVPs

My 4 Life MVPs

One question I get all of the time is, “How do you get so much done?”  It’s an important question…and a flattering one.  The topic is so important, I have dedicated one complete course to “How To Get More Done” in the upcoming...
Your Problem is NOT Your Customer’s Problem

Your Problem is NOT Your Customer’s Problem

I was on the phone with a trusted vendor the other day, relaying a challenge.  My company sells their line and I wanted to let them know about something that was getting in the way of us selling their brand.  From my perspective, it was a relatively simple fix (maybe...
8 Tips on Being More Productive (and Happy)

8 Tips on Being More Productive (and Happy)

Within the last couple of weeks I have had quite a few people ask me how I “get so much done.”  It’s an interesting question because I am always wanting to do more.  I don’t feel like I am doing all I want!  We all want to do (and accomplish)...
Say “No” More

Say “No” More

I recently gave a talk to a group of sales professionals and told them that I set a goal to read 50 books last year.  Throughout the room there were rolling of eyes, groans and incredulous looks.  Essentially the feeling in the room was, “I don’t have time...