3 Levels of Achievement

3 Levels of Achievement

“The greatest distance in the world is the distance between ‘I know’ and ‘I do.'” This is one of my favorite quotes because it illustrates the idea of “simple and easy.”  So many things are simple.  They are just not easy.  In...
Did I Solve The Right Problems

Did I Solve The Right Problems

Entrepreneurs solve problems.  That’s their job.  All-day…every day.  I talked about that here. If and when you accept that premise, it sets you free to ask a very important question.  “What problems do I want to solve today?” Oh…other...
Become A Contagious Leader

Become A Contagious Leader

If you are a leader of an organization, or you want to be a leader, you need to create ideas that spread.  You want to have influence. As a matter of fact, you need that influence in order to lead effectively.  That is why you hear all of the time, your title does not...
What Inspires Me?

What Inspires Me?

You have plenty of options for your attention these days.  They are clamoring for your eyeballs.  Your TV, your laptop, and your phone are all beckoning to you the moment you wake up.  Corporations are spending millions of dollars to steal your attention away from the...
My Goals for 2017

My Goals for 2017

If you spend any time on this website, you have probably heard me talk about goals.  I am a huge believer in spending your time thinking about your goals…and then writing them down.  The process inspires me.  I print mine off and then have them on my desk (and...