What Inspires Me?

by | Jan 30, 2022

what inspires me

You have plenty of options for your attention these days.  They are clamoring for your eyeballs.  Your TV, your laptop, and your phone are all beckoning to you the moment you wake up.  Corporations are spending millions of dollars to steal your attention away from the things you want to focus on.

I am no different.  When I wake up in the morning I want to “catch up” on whatever I missed from the previous 8 hours.  I log into Facebook, Linkedin, and (if I am really bored) Twitter to see what’s new.  Then Youtube grabs my attention as I wipe the sleep from my eyes.  And if I am not careful, I watch content that does nothing for me.  As a matter of fact, if I am honest, it detracts from my goals.  It plants the seeds of negativity.

So what do I do?

I ask one question.

What inspires me?  Then I go find that.

When I intentionally seek out speeches and interviews with people that lift me up, it improves my state of mind.  This simple act helps to shape my morning and shape my day.  But I have to be intentional about it.  I have to seek it out.  The algorithm seems to want to take me down a rabbit hole toward the worst of me.  So I need to think about the things that lift me up.  I need to push myself toward them.

You will need to do the same thing.

This morning (or wherever you read this), your attention will be pulled in a million directions.  You will probably want to mindlessly scroll through the feeds of Facebook or Instagram.  But take just a moment to ask yourself that important question.

What inspires me?

Now go find that.

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