This Week in Marketing Joy

by | Apr 24, 2016


It’s time for your week of business value…and it’s all here!  In this post we jam all the #MarketingJoy of the week in one place…so let’s take a look!

You Do You:  This is as close to a rant as I get on the DMJ podcast.  Stop telling me how to use Linkedin properly.  You worry about you.  In this post I discuss why worrying about what everyone else is doing can be a total distraction from your own success.  Learn more here. 

Straightening the Poles:  Have you ever had a project that you knew needed done, but you kept putting off?  Of course you have…most everyone has had this situation.  It was happening to me recently and I realized why.  i was focusing on the minute details of the project and lost sight of the big picture.  Hear the story…and the solution here.

Interview with Bill Petrie:  This is a really good episode of Delivering Marketing Joy with LOTS of value.  In this feature with Bill Petrie we talk about his blogging, our collaboration and other tips in building a business.  Get ready to take notes in this one.  And if you want to just listen on the go…here is the podcast.

Tell Them About it:  I have a rule in my life that goes like this, “If you catch yourself saying something nice about someone behind their back, tell them about it.  On this DMJ Podcast we dig into why this matters...and how it can matter to anyone is your life.

5 Lessons From My Dad:  Wow…I have gotten a ton of feedback from this podcast!  Each Friday I take at 5 Lessons you can learn from people all over the world.  This week I took a look at 5 Lessons I learned from my dad that translate to success in business and life.  Listen to these lessons here.

Weekly Word:  This week the Weekly Word takes a look at taking complete ownership of your business and your life.  There is no room for victim thinking here.  Listen in.

So there is a week in one place.  Enjoy!  Oh, and let me know if you have any topics you want me to tackle on the podcast.  I want to add as much value as I can for you!  Never miss an episode by subscribing on iTunes here.

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