Be Un-Apologetically You

Be Un-Apologetically You

Sometimes the hardest thing to be in life, is different.  Most of the time the world wants us to fit into boxes and straight lines.  It’s easier for everyone.The problem is, no one has ever done anything remarkable by doing what “everyone else” was...
The COST of a Raving Fan

The COST of a Raving Fan

This post is quite specifically not about the Value of a Raving Fan.  I think the Value of a Raving fan has been pretty well documented.  The Raving Fan is willing to pay a little more.  (Simon Synek would say they get your ‘Why”).  They are...
The Cost of Not Going

The Cost of Not Going

This year I have made the commitment to try and visit some of my customers that are farther away from our home office.  I want to have the opportunity to look them in the eye and show my appreciation in person.  Not a big deal, but as any sales person or...
Be Open To Learning All Your Life

Be Open To Learning All Your Life

The older I get, the more I understand how much I don’t know.  The great news is, I am open to learning more now.  But that has not always been the case.  A professor in college once told me that “Education is the only thing in life we pay for but don’t...
Sometimes the Most Fun Is Unplanned

Sometimes the Most Fun Is Unplanned

My wife and I recently had the opportunity to spend a few days in Chicago.  The first day was a full “work” day.  We spent the day in a trade show environment doing what we could to learn about trends in our industry and then networking.  Great...