How Am I Leaping?

How Am I Leaping?

Inspired by the post from Seth Godin today, I wanted to share with you some of the ways I am “leaping” this year.  These are things that I am doing that are “leaps of faith” for me.  These are ways I am putting myself out there.  I don’t...
What Gets You Up in the Morning?

What Gets You Up in the Morning?

“What keeps you up at night?” That was the question that was asked of me in an early episode of Delivering Marketing Joy by Danny Rosin.  You can see that one here. Listen to today’s DMJ Podcast here. I love the question because it’s honest. ...
Delivering Marketing Joy with Dana Zezzo

Delivering Marketing Joy with Dana Zezzo

Every once in a while we get to learn from something big that just happened.  We get in early so we can talk to the person involved…so we can get great lessons.  This happened for today’s Delivering Marketing Joy with Dana Zezzo! Dana Zezzo is one of the...
8 Tips on Being More Productive (and Happy)

8 Tips on Being More Productive (and Happy)

Within the last couple of weeks I have had quite a few people ask me how I “get so much done.”  It’s an interesting question because I am always wanting to do more.  I don’t feel like I am doing all I want!  We all want to do (and accomplish)...
Say “No” More

Say “No” More

I recently gave a talk to a group of sales professionals and told them that I set a goal to read 50 books last year.  Throughout the room there were rolling of eyes, groans and incredulous looks.  Essentially the feeling in the room was, “I don’t have time...