5 Lessons from Seth Godin

5 Lessons from Seth Godin

It’s a tradition like no other.  No it’s not the Masters.  It’s the 5 Lessons you can learn on the Delivering Marketing Joy podcast every Friday!  Today we learn from a legend.  Here are the 5 Lessons you can learn from Seth Godin.  Listen to the...
My New Book “Fan of Happy!”

My New Book “Fan of Happy!”

Here is the press release about my new book “Fan of Happy!”  I am extremely excited about this new project.  So learn a bit more about it below. KIRBY HASSEMAN AUTHORS NEW BOOK CALLED ‘FAN OF HAPPY.” (Coshocton, OH)—Kirby Hasseman, owner of Hasseman...
Hug Your Haters

Hug Your Haters

Any of us that start any organization want to be excellent at what we do.  Why else would we start?  But there are times that even the best companies fall short.  We miss the mark.  And in those moments, we create what Jay Baer calls “Haters.”  In...
Give Others Grace to Grow

Give Others Grace to Grow

When I was 16 years old, I was an uber-competitive tennis player. I would play adults and do ANYTHING to win. I think back to those days and, sometimes, wince at my behavior. Although I am still very competitive (ask around), I like to think I have evolved since those...
Put the Big Rocks In First

Put the Big Rocks In First

Hello Monday.  It’s time to dance!  Today on the Delivering Marketing Joy podcast we take a look at productivity and starting your week off right.  How do we do that?  We talk about your goals, tactics and putting the most important activities in your schedule...