Be Your Guest

Be Your Guest

Each week I am proud to host people on Delivering Marketing Joy.  It’s a labor of love to recruit the guests, create the questions, and have the chance to interview leaders.  Truly…I love it. But every once in a while I get the honor and privilege of being...
My Morning Routine

My Morning Routine

I am a big believer in having an intentional morning routine.  Over the years I have come to find that it not only helps me be more productive, it assists my sanity as well.  And here’s the thing, we all have routines in the morning.  Whether it’s how you brush your...
3 Reasons I Love Friday

3 Reasons I Love Friday

You probably hear it from someone every week. “TGIF!  Thank God It’s Friday.” It seems we have an entire culture full of people that are “living for the weekend.”  And though I understand that every one needs leisure time, for the most part this is nuts.  As Gary...
What Are You Willing To Do?

What Are You Willing To Do?

One of the biggest problems for many people in 2020 (beyond real health concerns) is that it’s given us all a REALLY great excuse. I say that because COVID-19 is a real thing.  It has caused real issues.  The challenges that many people and industries are facing...