5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Exercise

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Exercise

You can file this under the quote, “The greatest distance in the world is the distance between I know and I do.” We all know we should exercise.  We know it…but we don’t always do it.  This can be especially true for entrepreneurs.  We get so...
Why To Reach Out

Why To Reach Out

I had a conversation last night with a friend that really struck me.  We all have “this friend” in our life.  He’s the one that has it all together.  He is smart and talented and confident.  And he deserves to be.  He has worked hard for years to...
Understanding The Numbers

Understanding The Numbers

“If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t have a business.  You have a hobby.” I heard this from another entrepreneur years ago, and it was like a slap to the face.  For years, I was the sales guy.  I could sell, and market and promote, but I...
Don’t Wait For Permission

Don’t Wait For Permission

One of the challenges that I see with traditional education is that we are trained to wait for permission.  You raise your hand to speak.  You sit in straight lines.  We get permission to go to the bathroom and we train for what is on the test.  To be fair, I get why...