Push Out Good

Push Out Good

Some mornings I wake up feeling good.  I am excited about everything I get to work on, and I can’t wait to attack the day.  These are the easy days.  Everyone is productive on those days. And then there are the other days. On “the other days” I get...
What Is The Goal?

What Is The Goal?

I reached out to a few friends to discuss changes to this very website.  The format of this site has been the same for many years, and it’s overdue for some updates.  I solicited ideas and one of them wrote back a simple question. What is the goal? “I can...
Expectations Equal Experience

Expectations Equal Experience

The same experience can look totally different to two different people.  So often, this has to do with expectations.  I like Pepsi…and I like Sweet Tea.  But if I take a big drink of one expecting the other, it’s jarring. For example, if you have never...
Your Own Thoughts

Your Own Thoughts

I love phones.  The technology is amazing.  And it’s changed our lives immeasurably in good ways.  You can stay connected with people all over the world and keep track of your steps.  You can listen to books and music, and you can find the closest coffee shop. ...
The Only Constant Is Change

The Only Constant Is Change

Change can be scary. As I said here, most of us like it better when we are driving the change.  When other people are forcing us to change…not so much.  We like change that is our idea…more.  But for many people I meet, change is the enemy of comfort. The...