Resistance Versus the Hard Stop

Resistance Versus the Hard Stop

Each morning, in the cool Ohio air, I take my dogs out to do their business.  The oldest dog is not on a leash. He wanders around the yard on his own…free from restraint.  The younger dog (Finn) cannot be trusted with that amount of freedom. I am forced to...
The Story You Tell Yourself

The Story You Tell Yourself

Yesterday I woke up feeling tired.  I knew it was time to wake up.  I had a lot to do.  But my body and mind did not seem ready to move. I convinced myself to peel my body out of bed and I walked slowly to the kitchen so I could make coffee.  As I filled the coffee...
What About Now?

What About Now?

When you were younger, and you wanted something, you were probably relentless.  You would ask your parents or teachers for the object of your desire.  Then, if they told you “no,” you might only wait a few minutes before asking again.  You wanted it!  They...
Where Do You Get Ideas?

Where Do You Get Ideas?

I mentioned recently that one of my “12 Week Year Goals” for the first part of 2021 is to write a blog daily.  When ever I take on an endeavor this like, one question I ultimately get is “Where do you come up with ideas to write every day?” The...
Celebrate the Success of Others

Celebrate the Success of Others

I love to celebrate success. I mean, we ALL love to celebrate our own success.  But one of the best things to do is to celebrate the success of others.  Not only is it a good feeling, but for me, it’s also an indicator that I am in a good place. You see,...
My 12 Week Year Goals

My 12 Week Year Goals

I talk a lot about goals on this blog (and everywhere else).  I believe in them.  It helps me (and you) to create a life worth living…on purpose.  But sometimes creating goals for an entire year can seem daunting.  It can be hard to see that far in the...