Just Because You Had It…

Just Because You Had It…

We are blessed to have a garage on our house.  My wife keeps her car in the garage, and over the winter, we decided to put my 16 year old daughter’s car in the garage as well.  I left my vehicle out.  But with the spring weather, we felt we could...
Success Brings New Challenges

Success Brings New Challenges

There is a misconception that comes with success that says “Once I hit -this goal- then things will really get easy.”  You work hard and push the giant ball up the hit every day with the idea that once you get to the top, it will roll down the other...
Definition of Hustle

Definition of Hustle

Last year I went to an event called BGP (Business Gets Personal) with Dave Ramsey, Seth Godin and Gary Vaynerchuk.  It was an awesome event that inspired me to pick up my hustle.  I wrote about it here.  Gary V tells us to “hustle your face...
Ideas Versus Execution

Ideas Versus Execution

I just got back from a week out of the office at an amazing conference!  ICON15 was filled with inspirational stories, inspired entrepreneurs, fantastic keynote speakers and (for me) lots and lots of ideas.  That is a wonderful thing!  It’s the...

Leave Things Better Than You Found Them

 One thing I am glad that my parents taught me growing up (and my wife’s parents taught her as well) is “Leave things better than you found them.”  Now when I was younger this usually meant not trashing my friend’s house when I was...
A Healthy Debate

A Healthy Debate

Several months ago, Promo Products Industry veteran Bill Petrie and I decided to pick a fight.  Seriously.  We decided to take on some of our industry’s more controversial topics in a debate column.  The idea was to have some serious (and...