Don’t Wait For Permission

Don’t Wait For Permission

One of the challenges that I see with traditional education is that we are trained to wait for permission.  You raise your hand to speak.  You sit in straight lines.  We get permission to go to the bathroom and we train for what is on the test.  To be fair, I get why...
Changing Is A Strength

Changing Is A Strength

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” —Maya Angelou This is one of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou.  I love it because it speaks to the evolution that many of us go through…when we allow it.  As we grow and...
The Only Constant Is Change

The Only Constant Is Change

Change can be scary. As I said here, most of us like it better when we are driving the change.  When other people are forcing us to change…not so much.  We like change that is our idea…more.  But for many people I meet, change is the enemy of comfort. The...
The Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change

My good friend Bill Petrie said something about change that has stuck with me.  He said that we all say we want change, but it’s not that simple. “We all like change…as long as we are the ones creating the change.  If other people are driving the...
Incremental Changes

Incremental Changes

When you begin any new goal, results will not come as fast as you want.  Once we decide to chase a goal, we want to move toward it right away.  It’s only natural.  We have made up our minds to be different.  Now we want to see the results.  But life...