Shoot Your Shot

Shoot Your Shot

I was having a conversation with a group of fellow content creators this week when something stopped me.  One of the members of the discussion was asking how to get great guests for their podcast.  The question was simple, “I don’t know these people.  How...
Who Is Your Story Serving?

Who Is Your Story Serving?

One of the challenges I run into when creating content and marketing is that I am selfish.  It’s not that I am a bad person (I hope).  It’s just natural that when we sit down to create, we have our own perspective.  I certainly do.  I have the story I want...
Chasing The Metrics

Chasing The Metrics

Yesterday I wrote a blog post that “worked.”  It immediately got feedback on social media.  People engaged and commented and shared the blog.  Today I looked at the numbers on Google Analytics and they told the same story.  The numbers were measurably...
The Day After Perfect

The Day After Perfect

It’s hard to believe that January is coming to an end.  January 2021 could not come fast enough.  Now that it’s here…it seems to be moving so quickly.  For so many (including me) the new year signaled the time for new goals.  I talked about mine...
Your 25 Readers

Your 25 Readers

It can be frustrating.  When you begin a content journey, the going is often really slow.  You might only get 25 views (or less) as you begin to create.  And while you might be appreciative of the 25 people that took the time to read your words, it’s hard not to...