Fight My Natural Tendencies

Fight My Natural Tendencies

I purchased bi-focal sunglasses the other day.  I needed something to wear as I was mowing.  I can see long distances really well, but I am struggling to see my phone.  It’s maddening at times, but I am by no means the first person to deal with this.  (Be...
CEO Of Your Life

CEO Of Your Life

One of my least favorite words today is “busy.”  There are worse words, for sure.  But there are few words that are more over-used by nearly everyone on the planet.  Everyone says they are “busy.”  Even people who never seem busy to me, say...
Enjoy The Sunshine

Enjoy The Sunshine

This spring has been a bit of a beat down for me in Ohio.  It seems that it’s been cold for many months with little break…and when it’s not been cold it’s been raining.  Sorry.  I know I am against complaining.  I have just been ready for some...
The Hidden Cost of Negativity

The Hidden Cost of Negativity

Every year, during the election cycle, I see a spike in negativity.  It’s not just in the candidates.  It happens to the community too.  This phenomenon makes sense.  We, as a society, are actively consuming this poison every day…and what goes in comes...
5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Exercise

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Exercise

You can file this under the quote, “The greatest distance in the world is the distance between I know and I do.” We all know we should exercise.  We know it…but we don’t always do it.  This can be especially true for entrepreneurs.  We get so...