Build Your Business “On Purpose”

Build Your Business “On Purpose”

Stop me if you heard this one before: “I want to do it, but I just don’t have time” Or what about this one? “Where does the day go?” Or have you ever thought (or said), “Wow I was busy all day, but what did I actually get done?” If you say you haven’t heard (or...
Ideas versus Execution

Ideas versus Execution

We all love ideas.  I understand too.  Ideas are full of hope and promise.  A good idea is a small version of our own potential.  It is very easy to get excited about ideas.  There is, of course, one big problem with getting too excited about ideas. They really...
5 Lessons from My Daughters

5 Lessons from My Daughters

Each week I take a look at someone that we could all learn from…and give you 5 lessons.  We have learned from everyone from Peyton Manning to Jimmy Buffett.  This week, we have been exploring lessons  from my new book Fan of Happy (buy that here).  The new book...
3 Tips on Making Mistakes

3 Tips on Making Mistakes

Here’s a dirty little secret that you might not want to hear; you are going to screw up. We all are. Whether it’s in friendships, relationships, business, school, or life…we all get off the tracks sometimes.  This is a lesson from my new book Fan of Happy.  Listen to...
Make Sure the Vision and Values Align

Make Sure the Vision and Values Align

If you want to make sure you give your project, business, event or organization the best chance for success, then make sure the Vision and Values are aligned.  This is a lesson from my new book “Fan of Happy” which you can buy on Amazon.  Learn more on the...