Turtle on a post

Turtle on a post

I saw this image today at church.  It’s a great image and it always makes me smile.  It’s a great reminder, the pastor said, that we should always be grateful.  No matter where we are, we probably did not get there on our own. It is a good reminder. But...
5 Lessons from My Daughters

5 Lessons from My Daughters

Each week I take a look at someone that we could all learn from…and give you 5 lessons.  We have learned from everyone from Peyton Manning to Jimmy Buffett.  This week, we have been exploring lessons  from my new book Fan of Happy (buy that here).  The new book...
3 Tips on Making Mistakes

3 Tips on Making Mistakes

Here’s a dirty little secret that you might not want to hear; you are going to screw up. We all are. Whether it’s in friendships, relationships, business, school, or life…we all get off the tracks sometimes.  This is a lesson from my new book Fan of Happy.  Listen to...
My New Book “Fan of Happy!”

My New Book “Fan of Happy!”

Here is the press release about my new book “Fan of Happy!”  I am extremely excited about this new project.  So learn a bit more about it below. KIRBY HASSEMAN AUTHORS NEW BOOK CALLED ‘FAN OF HAPPY.” (Coshocton, OH)—Kirby Hasseman, owner of Hasseman...