Looking for input

Looking for input

Sometimes we can all get so busy working toward a goal that we fail to consider “is it working?”  Or even “is it the right goal?”  I remember so clearly taking a class on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and hearing the quote “Some...
5 Lessons from the Zac Brown Band

5 Lessons from the Zac Brown Band

It’s Friday, so that means it’s time for 5 lessons.  One of my favorite bands is the Zac Brown Band, so I thought it might be time to dig into lessons that you and I can learn from them!  Let’s dig in…and listen to the Delivering Marketing Joy...
You Do You

You Do You

Maybe you have seen a post like this before. “Please join me if you want everyone to stop using Linkedin like Facebook.  Linkedin is a professional site and should not be used for…” Perhaps you even agree.  Listen to my take on the matter here. These...
5 Lessons from John Lee Dumas

5 Lessons from John Lee Dumas

If you have never heard of John Lee Dumas, then today you are in for a treat!  JLD is the creator and founder of Entrepreneur on Fire.  John interviews a different entrepreneur on his Podcast EVERY SINGLE Day!  That’s right…every day!  John is a ball of...
5 Lessons You Can Learn from Gary Vaynerchuk

5 Lessons You Can Learn from Gary Vaynerchuk

If you have never had a chance to watch a Gary Vaynerchuk speech, I recommend you make the time. Gary is an entrepreneur, social media guru and best selling author.  His new book AskGaryVee is a great concept built on his Youtube show where people from all over the...