Why To Reach Out

Why To Reach Out

I had a conversation last night with a friend that really struck me.  We all have “this friend” in our life.  He’s the one that has it all together.  He is smart and talented and confident.  And he deserves to be.  He has worked hard for years to...
Enjoying The World Around Me

Enjoying The World Around Me

I did not sleep very well last night.  My oldest dog (Scooter) decided that he wanted up at around 4:30am.  He wandered the house before wanting to get back up in bed with us 20 minutes later.  By 5:30am, he wanted up off the bed again.  I was annoyed and tired and...
One Thing At a Time

One Thing At a Time

It’s easy to get overwhelmed.  We all do it.  If you have ever started to work on an exciting and important project, you have probably become overwhelmed at some point.  On a project like that, there are lots of steps, and procedures, and processes to...
Asking the Right Questions

Asking the Right Questions

During the inevitable bumpy times of building a business or a career, it’s very normal to ask “Why me?”  In a 24-hour plugged in world, we might see the perceived success of others and wonder “where is mine?”  If things get particularly...