5 Lessons From Runners

by | May 20, 2016

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Each week over the past few months we have taken a look at lessons you can could learn from people from around the world.  Some have been from the world of business (Seth Godin), some have been from the Promo Industry (Mark Graham) and some have been near and dear to me (my daughters).  This week we take a look at 5 Lessons you can learn from a group of people…Runners!  Listen to the DMJ Podcast here.

You may wonder what you can learn from a group of athletes like runners.  The answer is, a lot.  So let’s jump into 5 Lessons here (there are probably more).

Take One More Step:  Too many of us give up on our goals too soon.  It gets too hard.  It hurts too much.  It takes too much time.  But the most successful runners and salespeople both have this in common: they take one more step.  Take one more step…then take one more.

Have the Right Tools:  As any runner will tell you, if you take off on a long run with the wrong shoes, or shorts or shirt, you will pay for it.  You could get hurt on the run, or you could have soreness that lasts for days!  If it’s not about pain, it’s about performance.  If you aren’t ready for your long run, you will not be as fast as you want.  The same is true in business.  If you want to perform at your peak, you need to get proper tools in place.

Push Through The Pain:  Most people who tell you they don’t like to run have not ever (regularly) run past the first mile.  But if you ask nearly every runner, that’s the hardest part!  Even the most experienced runners tell you to get through the 1st mile, then the results (and some level of enjoyment) will come.  But you have to be willing to push through the pain.  The same is true for building a business.  It’s the earliest times that can be the toughest.  You have to push through that to get to the “good stuff.”

Treat Your Body Right:  As runner increase their mileage they start to worry more and more about nutrition and rest and hydration.  They know that if they don’t take care of their body, it will break down.  Yep…the same is true for the rest of us.  What are you doing to maintain?  Are you getting plenty of rest?

Mental Toughness is Key:  I have read where trainers will tell runners to tell themselves over and over that they feel good on long runs.  So much of the longer runs are mental.  You have to be willing to push through tough times.  That comes from mental toughness.  If you want to run 13 miles or build a sales package, you need to be mentally tough.

This is a fun topic.  What lessons am I missing?  Let me know if there are other lessons you have learned from the trail!

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