2 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Want to Grow

2 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Want to Grow

We live in an amazing time if you want to learn.  (I talk about the difference between learning and education here).  There are so many tools and resources if you want to learn how to do something.  If you need to fix your plumbing or start an LLC or drain your...
Better Business University…One Week Away

Better Business University…One Week Away

If you are like most entrepreneurs, leaders, and sales pros I know, you want to grow.  You want to elevate your game!  And you want to do the same for your team!  The challenge is that education, especially business education, is really expensive.  If you want to get...
Listen to your own voice

Listen to your own voice

What do you do first thing in the morning?  What is your routine? If you are like most people I know, you wake up and immediately search for your phone, your computer, or your remote for the TV.  Maybe you do this because you are concerned that you might have gotten...
Putting Yourself Out There

Putting Yourself Out There

I have a feeling I am going to be tired by the end of the day. I know this because I was up well before the alarm clock today…and I have a long day planned.  But don’t cry for me.  I am excited about the challenges I have planned.  Today, Bill Petrie, Mike...