What Voices Will You Hear?

What Voices Will You Hear?

As I type this I am on a plane heading to Phoenix.  It’s a wonderful time we are living in! I am traveling across the country today to speak at a sales conference.  Not out of the ordinary.  I love speaking to groups of people and (hopefully) providing them some...
It’s Not Me.  It’s You.

It’s Not Me. It’s You.

I was on Facebook the other day and there was a discussion that caught my eye.  The person posting was asking about the value of a company called Send Out Cards.  It caught my eye because my wife and I use and like Send Out Cards.  It’s a service that allows you...
Looking for input

Looking for input

Sometimes we can all get so busy working toward a goal that we fail to consider “is it working?”  Or even “is it the right goal?”  I remember so clearly taking a class on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and hearing the quote “Some...
When a Client Bails

When a Client Bails

We have all been there.  We are rolling along nicely, and then a client decides to “move on.”  Maybe we did something wrong or maybe not.  But one things is for sure…it hurts.  What do you do?  How do you bounce back?  Here are my suggestions on the...