Enjoy the journey…not just the vacation

Enjoy the journey…not just the vacation

Years ago, I surprised my wife with a quick getaway.  It was a trip around her birthday and I went to great lengths to keep it from her.  Considering the fact that I hate keeping secrets like this, I was proud of the effort.  I planned the trip, booked the flights,...
I Got A Message On Linkedin

I Got A Message On Linkedin

I got a message on Linkedin this morning. Now most of the time that might be met with a collective groan because it was probably an unsolicited sales pitch.  You know the one.  It comes from a random stranger that knows NOTHING about my business but promises to grow...
Chasing Failure

Chasing Failure

Sometimes I can be a bit slow.  About 4 or 5 months ago, a client at the Hasseman Marketing Customer Appreciation show told me about a book I should read.  “It’s called Chasing Failure…and I think you would really love it.”  I figured I would...
Enjoying The World Around Me

Enjoying The World Around Me

I did not sleep very well last night.  My oldest dog (Scooter) decided that he wanted up at around 4:30am.  He wandered the house before wanting to get back up in bed with us 20 minutes later.  By 5:30am, he wanted up off the bed again.  I was annoyed and tired and...
Kirby’s Rules of Life

Kirby’s Rules of Life

Back in college, when nearly every one of my friends had posters with attractive women on their walls, I had this poster.  It featured Peter’s Laws.  It was a list of rules that, it seemed, were written for me.  Looking back at that list now, many of his laws...