The Evolution of Delivering Marketing Joy

The Evolution of Delivering Marketing Joy

It was 8 years ago when I decided to do a new piece of content called “Delivering Marketing Joy.”  I wanted to do a “web show” where I interviewed thought leaders, marketers, and other entrepreneurs each week.  And I had heard that the average...
What Do You Want To Be Known For?

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

I had the opportunity to speak to a group yesterday about the 5 Steps to Building a Strong Personal Brand.  It’s a topic I have spoken about many times before, but something new struck me. Step one in building a strong personal brand is to identify your space. ...
A Fresh New Look at Marketing Joy

A Fresh New Look at Marketing Joy

Have you ever had a project that you wanted another crack at?  Maybe you thought it was good…but it could be better.  In a way, that’s how I felt about college.  Don’t get me wrong.  I had a great time.  But there is a (small) part of me that would...

Everybody is a Nerd about Something

What are you a nerd about?  On today’s Delivering Marketing Joy podcast, I talk about being passionate.  The fact is, most of us are “a nerd” about something.  We are the only one in our group that gets excited about this one thing.  But don’t...