Not Their Job

“Someone should bring some jobs to our area.” “They should start a company that does that.””They should hire me.  Someone should give me a job.” “Why doesn’t someone see my potential?”All of these statements...
Breaking the Winter Rut

Breaking the Winter Rut

I am a creature of habit in the mornings.  I like to have my coffee, read some inspirational material, take a short walk, etc.  All of these things give me a start to my day that I enjoy…and help to make me productive. The problem with these...

The Power of My Why

This past weekend was the official beginning of competition dance season for my daughters.  It’s an awesome time for both my girls and my wife…and they enjoy it.  Most of the time, I let them go do their thing with dance, and I stay home. So...
Books So Far This Year

Books So Far This Year

I set the goal to read 50 books in 2015.  It’s a lofty goal but I am on my way.  Here is a quick update of the books I have gotten through so far!Start by Jon Acuff:  Great book to start off the new year!  I like Jon’s style and...
New Body Wash Bottle

New Body Wash Bottle

Yesterday I ran out of body wash in the shower.  No worries, I didn’t stink all day (I don’t think).  But I did squeeze out the very last of the soap.  It was totally gone. So what did I do?  I set it down never to think about it...
Editors Versus Producers

Editors Versus Producers

In the last several years, the cost of video equipment, editing software and the ability of phones and other devices to record video has democratized the video industry.  That’s great!  Combine that with the explosion of social networks and companies...